
An interview with Richard Greenaway, Chief Executive of Anderson Lloyd

Amber May

Anderson Lloyd's Chief Executive, Richard Greenaway, shares his experience working with Gaze for their Dunedin office and subsequent fit-outs in Auckland, Christchurch, and Queenstown.


Anderson Lloyd enlisted Gaze in February 2018 to consult on their future workspace needs. This included a strategic review covering building and location searches and feasibility. The brief took into account the Partnership’s culture, vision, and carbon zero objectives, capturing physical, acoustic, cultural, social, and wellness goals for the premises.


The workspace was designed to reflect leadership vision, with areas tailored to individual teams and their tasks. Both soft and hard fit-outs were carefully considered, providing ergonomic workstations, social hubs, entertainment spaces, and a wellness area. Covid-19 prompted further design changes to allow for future adaptability considering potential economic, environmental, and strategic scenarios.