Health & Safety Policy

Gaze Commercial is committed to health and safety and will ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all our workers and other persons who may be put at risk from our work.  

We will address this duty of care by:

  • Complying with legal and other requirements including the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSW Act) and Health and Safety Regulations (HSW Regulations), standards, relevant codes of practice and guidelines;

  • Providing and maintaining a work environment or work premises that are without risks to health and safety;

  • Ensuring trade & industry best practises, systems & resources are available and in place that reflect the various COVID threat levels;

  • Providing and maintaining safe plant and structures;

  • Providing and maintaining safe systems of work;

  • Ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transportation of hazardous substances;

  • Providing and maintaining adequate facilities for the welfare of workers;

  • Monitoring of the health of our workers and the conditions at the workplace to prevent illness or injury;

  • Providing any information, training instructions or supervision necessary to protect our workers from the risks relating to their work;

  • Accurately reporting and recording all workplace accidents, incidents and injuries (events);

  • Committing to consultation and participation of workers, and workers representatives;

  • Providing safe means of access and egress to and from places of work;

  • Providing a framework for setting the OH&S objectives;

  • Reviewing, revising and evaluating our health and safety management systems and processes at regular intervals to ensure continuous improvement of the OH&S management system;

  • Supporting the safe and early return to work of injured workers.

  • Committing to eliminate hazards where possible and reduce OH&S risk by establishing, implementing, and maintaining processes using the following hierarchy of controls:

    • Eliminate the hazard

    • Substitute with less hazardous processes, operations, or equipment

    • Use engineering controls and reorganising work

    • Use administrative controls including training

    • Use adequate personal protective equipment

Management acknowledges and accepts its responsibilities for health and safety standards in our workplaces.  However, we seek cooperation from all workers in achieving our health and safety objectives and expect that workers will:

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety;

  • Take reasonable care they do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons;

  • Follow our policies and procedures;

  • Comply with any reasonable instructions given;

  • Identify hazards, assess and control risks to health and safety that are under their control;

  • Use any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided; and

  • Report all hazards, accidents, and incidents (events) to their supervisor in a timely manner.